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news from rooftops across europe

Want to keep abreast of the latest (rooftop) news and developments? We’ve organised everything here for your convenience.

Spring meeting 2024 of the ECRN consortium

The spring meeting 2024 was organized by our partners from Rotterdam. After the weekend of the Rotterdamse Daken Dagen and their knowledge day, we worked mainly on the future of ECRN. We also discussed the symposium in Faro at the end of the year (October 2-3).

Partner meet-up!

The ECRN consortium partnermeeting of October takes place in Nicosia, Cyprus, where our partners Urban Gorillas show us their beautiful city and we are having fruitful discussions about the legacy of our program. Keep an eye on our website and socials the coming period for more information.

Rooftop tours in Antwerp

The very first Rooftop tours (Dakentoers) are over! Nearly 400 people enjoyed familiar and brand new rooftops, stimulating literary and musical acts, beautiful panoramas and interesting presentations. For ECRN member DAKkan, this is definitely worth repeating! 💪

Check the aftermovie!

Rooftop Landmark in Nicosia in progress

A painting on two of Nicosia’s rooftops, guided by the artist Larsen Bervoets is in progress! This artistic intervention is connecting the two sides of Nicosia at sky level, echoing a message for peace from the rooftops.

Read more in LinkedIn

Rooftop park by ECRN member ROEF

ROEF transformed a parking garage in Amsterdam into a rooftop park for one day. On the 10th of September, people were invited to come and enjoy one of the many things to do. The theatre show was performed by Sophie Stravens, one of our Nomads of last year!

Watch the aftermovie here!

Rooftop Landmark in Faro = finished!

During Festival Acoteia the fourth Rooftop Landmark by artist Larsen Bervoets has been unveiled. This is a co-production with Municipio de Faro and local art gallery GAMA RAMA Gallery in Faro.

Watch an interview with artist Larsen

Rooftop Landmark № 3 in Chemnitz done!

Rooftop Landmark number 3 = here! You can admire it in Chemnitz, on top of the Stadthalle (a local concert hall). Artist Larsen Bervoets had help from students of Chemnitzer Schulmodell, people from Höhenservice Straß, projectmanagers Sabine Fekete & Anely Jeromin and Creative Europe.

More pictures of the rooftop landmark

Second Rooftop Landmark in Rotterdam = finished

The second Rooftop Landmark by artist Larsen Bervoets is finished in Rotterdam! He had help from students of OSG Hugo de Groot and the painting is located on top of Zuidplein, a big shoppingmall. Check out a video of the process on our Instagram.

Video Larsen Bergvoets on Instagram

The first Rooftop Landmark by Larsen Bervoets

On top of the of the parking garage of popular shopping mall Nordstan in Gothenburg, artist Larsen Bervoets and students of Göteborgs Konstskola have created the first Rooftop Landmark of our Landmark Project. After two weeks of hard work it was finished! A painting of almost 2000m2! 😱

See more pictures on Instagram

The ECRN roofscope landmark project

Artist Larsen Bervoets (Antwerp, 1979) is a multi-disciplinary and experimental artist. He has worked on 6 different roofs throughout Europe, starting in Gothenburg. His works are characterised by tight geometric compositions that give an impression of ‘a space’. Often in these creations colours and colour patterns create an illusion of an extra dimension.

Find out more on Facebook

Chemnitz Meetup

The spring 2023 partnermeeting of the ECRN consortium was hosted by our partners from Chemnitz, the European Capital of Culture 2025. We worked on our art project, the festival exchanges, our benchmarking study and the future of ECRN. Team Chemnitz showed us their amazing city with locations such as Wirkbau, Oberdeck Chemnitz and Garagen Campus.

The ECRN artistic rooftop residencies

Summer 2022, each ECRN member sent two artists to two other members, and they received two in their own city. During their residency, these artists were offered a chance to create and show work in the country where they were hosted. The 18 different artworks were inspired by the roofscape and related to local roof-topics.

Find out more on Facebook

Rooftops for Europe event

ECRN did a public event called “Rooftops for Europe” on the 18th of November 2022 in the city of Belfast. The initiative took place at Banana Block/Portview.

more about the event

Nomad Academy: Victoria

Meet Victoria, the nomad from Barcelona. She’s working on her final dissertation on how to link the the practices and uses of rooftops in Barcelona with the Sustainable Development Goal 11, which aims to create sustainable cities and communities.

More about Victoria & her project

Member meetup in Belfast

The ECRN consortium met in Belfast November 2022, where we worked on more rooftop awareness across Europe. We visited some of Belfasts rooftops (for instance the new Belfast Story site, the Oh Yeah Music Centre, and Portview Trade Centre).

meet the members

Nomad Academy: Agnes Eeg-Olofsson

Our nomad Agnes Eeg-Olofsson is focusing on the best way to use rooftops for performances. She wants to shine a light on how the rooftops of swimming halls can be used for performances and also through their transparency, giving public access to art.

More about Agnes & her project

Nomad Academy: Dean

Our nomad from Belfast: Dean! He’s an avid architectural researcher, and their project seeks to explore the celestial histories of Belfast during ‘The Troubles’ to create an archival piece of work around how observation during this period hindered rooftop development.

More about Dean & his project

Nomad Academy: Sophie Stravens

Introducing Sophie, the Nomad from Rotterdam. Sophie is a performer, presenter and programmer. This summer she shared a performance with mini-lectures, rooftop-songs and moments of reflection, on rooftops in 3 cities. How can rooftops provide us new space in our dense city centers and busy lives? Exciting stuff!

More about Sophie & her project

Nomad Academy: Sarah Haazen

Meet Sarah, the Nomad from Antwerp. She just finished the last year of her architecture studies by writing her thesis on how the amount of unused roofs in Antwerp could contribute to solving urban challenges. She’s working with Dakkan to see what’s possible on the roof to change Antwerp’s roof landscape bit by bit.

More about Sarah & her project
Nomad Tiago

Nomad Academy: Tiago Candeias

Meet Tiago, our Nomad from Faro. He wants to promote rooftops as creative labs for young and emerging artists to have a space, engage, explore, be creative and put their ideas into practice. He’s doing this through a creative mentoring programme.

More about Tiago & his project
Nomad Christin

Nomad Academy: Christin Breitfeld

Meet Christin, she’s the Nomad from Chemnitz, from our Nomad Academy. Christin is connecting schools in Chemnitz to create green roofs so students will have their own garden to learn about climate-related issues and they’ll become much more aware of the subject.

More about Christin & her project
Nomad Marina

Nomad Academy: Marina Kyriakou

Meet Marina, the Nomad from Nicosia, from our Nomad Academy. Marina is creating an “Inclusive Community Engagement Toolkit for developing Rooftop Activities” with the playful acronym “ICE-T on the Roof”. She aims to provide alternative tools to allow people to increase the level of interest and participation when initiating and developing a Rooftop Project.

More about Marina & her project
Nomad Anna

Nomad Academy: Anne Molenaar

Meet Anne, one of the Nomads from our Nomad Academy. The Nomad Academy is a group of 9 people, that we believe to be the next generation rooftop pioneers! Anne Molenaar is the Nomad from Amsterdam. She’s working on a booklet to inspire people from all over Europe to start their own rooftop initiative.

More about Anne & the nomad academy

07-07-22 These are the Rooftop Artists

The members of the European Creative Rooftop Network have selected 18 artists for the Rooftop Artist Residencies. This transdisciplinary project will be organised in the summer of 2022. The artists will travel to one of the European cities of the network and develop artwork related to… Rooftops! Check our list of selected artists!

more information