
european rooftop events

Find out what’s happening on the rooftops of Europe.

October 3-4, 2024

European Creative Rooftop Network Congress | Faro

The European Creative Rooftop Network (ECRN) invites you to Faro, Portugal, for a groundbreaking congress on urban sustainability and the innovative use of rooftop spaces. This event marks the conclusion of a four-year Creative Europe project focused on transforming underutilized rooftops into vibrant, multifunctional urban spaces.

Rooftops offer immense potential for urban sustainability. The ECRN has harnessed the creativity of cities and their residents, uniting municipalities, NGOs, architects, artists, and other stakeholders to pioneer innovative rooftop solutions across Europe.

Formal invitations, registration link, and detailed agendas will follow!

26 – 29 september '24

Shadowdock | Belfast

This September you are invited to journey 40 feet below sea level to the iconic dock where Titanic was launched, where you will experience immersive display of light, shadow, colour and sound, to see and feel the world around you from a new perspective.

Developed in partnership with designer Henry Sykes and Three’s Theatre Company, you are invited to explore the built, and forgotten, heritage of Belfast and discover its creative future. Watch and listen as our team of performers, composers, and lighting designers transform this magnificent structure from an empty void into an immersive space filled with light, colour and sound.

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18 - 19 April TERRATS EN CULTURA in L'Hospitalet, From 1st of June to 27th of July TERRATS EN CULTURA in Barcelona

Terrats en Cultura | Barcelona

Terrats en Cultura is a rooftop festival in Barcelona with a view. A multitude of events (music, dance, comedy, poetry and theatre) will take place on the different roofs scattered throughout the city of Barcelona. The events will take place during the evening so attendees can enjoy the sunset and the gorgeous Mediterranean twilight.

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20-21-22 september '24

DAKkan | Antwerp

DAKkan is a biennial festival which takes place on the rooftops of Antwerp.

Born in 2018, DAKkan was originally an initiative of EcoHuis Antwerpen. With 3.000 visitors and 13 participating rooftops, the first edition was an immediate success. The second edition took place in 2020, and saw 42 rooftops attract a total of 5.900 visitors. In the 2022 edition, 6.540 visitors enjoyed the rooftop gardens of the city and a cultural programma on more than 60 rooftops in total. DAKkan is an initiative from stad Antwerpen, the city’s department of culture, and EcoHuis Antwerpen.

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To be confirmed!

Göteborg | Folkstaden

More information will follow!

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24-26 May '24

Rotterdamse Dakendagen | Rotterdam

During the Rotterdamse Dakendagen you can visit the city’s rooftops. The festival’s programme is centred around utilising rooftops in creative ways, as the city becomes more crowded and space is in high demand. Designers and artists let visitors experience the different ways in which rooftops can be used to make the city more lively, sustainable and resilient to the effects of climate change. 

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5+6 July '24

Açoteia Rooftop Festival | Faro

The two-day Faro rooftop festival Acoteia is back with a programme in which it will be possible to visit more than 30 iconic rooftops in the city. The festival will have a strong component linked to culture and art with various exhibitions, music, dance and theatre performances.

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Beginning of August until Mid September

ROEF | Amsterdam

Festival is to be confirmed! Last year ROEF created a rooftop park. On the roof of a parking garage in Amsterdam a park was build for 24 hours, and everything involved in a park you could experience there.

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Date to be confirmed

Pame Kaimakli Festival | Nicosia

Pame Kaimakli is a neighbourhood festival organized by the residents of the Kaimakli district and Urban Gorillas in Nicosia. Each yearly edition is curated by Urban Gorillas, who pick an inspiring, socially-minded theme which aims to bring together ideas and practices that respond to contemporary and local urban challenges! More info will follow soon.

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